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Adult CPR Training Manikin (Advance) - (GES-EP 0001)
  • Light indicator
  • Display for correct/incorrect
  • mouth to mouth respirations
  • Indicator for correct
  • compression position
  • Digital counter
  • Heart pressure & mouth-to -mouth display
  • Indicators for correct
  • operations
  • Audio prompting
  • Grade printing
  • Imensions: 420 x 60 x h370 mm.
  • Weight: 1.8 kg.
  • Functioning temperature: from -10 to +60 C.
  • Storage temperature: from -20 to +60 C.
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Digestive System Model - (GES-EP 0002)
  • Large size model showing all important digestive organs in detail, representation of nose, mouth cavity, pharnxis, esophagus, gastrointestinal truct, liver with gul blader, pancreas and splin, duodenum, cecum and rectum are oppened. removable transverse colon, mounted on board with number.
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Human Skeleton Model - (GES-EP 0003)
  • Anatomical model upright for optimal viewing from all angles. The arms, legs, and top of the skull remove for easy labeling and studying. Shows details of fissures and protrusions like a full size skeleton without the price. Perfect study tool for anatomy students. Shows details of fissures and protrusions like a full size skeleton without the price. Perfect study tool for anatomy students.
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Unisex Torso - (GES-EP 0004)
  • Unisex torso including 40 parts:
  • Torso
  • Female breast plate
  • Head
  • Eyeball
  • Brain (8 parts)
  • Vertebra spinal nerves (4 parts)
  • Trachea
  • Esophagus and descending aorta
  • Diaphragm
  • Liver
  • Kidney
  • Stomach (2 parts)
  • Intestines (4 parts)
  • Male genitalia (4 parts)
  • Female genitalia with fetus (3 parts)
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Infant CPR Training Manikin (Advance) - (GES-EP 0005)
  • Educationally effective by offering all the essential features necessary for learning infant CPR afford-ability allows increased hands-on practice realistic chest compressions and chest rise allow students to learn proper techniques Logistically convenient lightweight and portable 4-pack weighs under 12.1 lb. Making baby anne easy to transport, practical because it is inexpensive and easy to maintain durable construction allows unequaled long-term use Oral and nasal passages allow realistic nose pinch required for mouth-to-nose ventilation
  • Natural obstruction of the airway allows students to learn the important technique of opening the airway Head tilt/chin lift and jaw thrust allow students to practice correctly all maneuvers necessary when resuscitating a real patient
  • Realistic chest compliance means students can experience the proper technique required for chest compressions on infants Foreign-body airway obstruction feature allows the release of a foreign-body obstruction to be practiced through back blows and chest-thrust techniques Economical disposable airways for quick and easy clean up Removable and reusable faces for convenient and affordable maintenance
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Female Perineum Anatomical Model - (GES-EP 0006)
  • This life size model shows the female perineal area, including the anus and the external genitalia.
  • The pelvic diaphragm, urogenital perineum with opening of the vagina and the anal perineum are well represented.
  • Distribution of blood vessels and nerve endings is included.
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Human Face and neck muscle Model - (GES-EP 0007)
  • The facial muscles include:[2] Occipitofrontalis muscle Temporoparietalis muscle Procerus muscle Nasalis muscle Depressor septi nasi muscle Orbicularis oculi muscle Corrugator supercilii muscle Depressor supercilii muscle Auricular muscles (anterior, superior and posterior) Orbicularis oris muscle Depressor anguli oris muscle Risorius Zygomaticus major muscle Zygomaticus minor muscle Levator labii superioris Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle Depressor labii inferioris muscle Levator anguli oris, Buccinator muscle, Mentalis
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Pregnancy and Child Birth Model ~ (GES-EP 0008)
  • Cervix check model: Size of cervical ore, effacement of ceMcal canal and the position of fetal head coresponding to the plane of ischial can be checked. Fetus model: The side is soft and fontanel is visible. Vacuum extraction, umbilical cord ligation, and placenta expulsion can be exercised. Childbirth model: The model consists of transparent abdominal well and lifelike side. Simulate normal or difficuk labors, assist delivery, and perineum protecting. Perineum cutting and suturing training simulator The simulator can be used repeatedly. One set of the simulatcr consists of three components: separately simulate the right posterior, left posterior incision or median incision.